Underrated - The Green Power Ranger's "JESUS DIDN'T TAP" Tattoo

Little late-afternoon/early-evening blog for ya on this beautiful Wednesday. It’s part of a new series I’m calling “Underrated” where I’m going to discuss some underrated things with you guys. First underrated thing?

Jason David Frank – the Green Power Ranger – has a tattoo across his forearm that reads “JESUS DIDN’T TAP”. I don’t think that gets talked about nearly enough!

He’s an MMA fighter as well, 3-0 as an amateur and 1-0 professionally, so there’s his resentment of tapping out for ya, and probably the reasoning behind his tattoo, but like…the GREEN POWER RANGER has a tattoo that reads, “JESUS DIDN’T TAP”. Why aren’t we talking about that every single day? The “T” in tap is a cross!

Dude, Jesus COULDN’T tap. You get crucified like homeboy did, your wrists are gettin’ nailed up. You try to tap and you’re just flappin’ your wrists in the air like an excited seal, and I’m not a religious dude, but I feel like if you are, you don’t love the visual of Jesus bein’ a pussy and flamboyantly flapping his wrists back and forth in his final moments.

So there ya go. “JESUS DIDN’T TAP” tattoo? Underrated.

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